Dampak Keterlambatan Pengembalian Rekam Medis Pasien Rawat Inap Terhadap Pelaporan RS Dan Pengajuan Klaim BPJS Kesehatan Di RSU Ganesha Kabupaten Gianyar
I Gusti Ayu Dina Lasmi Putri1, Bambang Hadi Kartiko, 2, Dylla Hanggaeni Dyah Puspaningrum 3
Program Studi Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan, Universitas Dhyana Pura1,2,3
In accordance with the standard operating procedures set by the Ganesha General Hospital, the late return of inpatient medical records is defined as the return of medical records from the inpatient room to the medical record unit beyond the time limit of 3 x 24 hours from the time of collection. The aim of this research is to determine the impact of late returns on home reporting of pain and claims from the Social Security Administration (BPJS).The research is based on a descriptive qualitative analysis of 224 overdue medical records and a sample of 10 officers at the Medical Record Installation. returned in July-December 2022. The results of the analysis showed that data from July 2022 through December 2022 showed that out of 510 inpatient medical records, 138 (27%) had medical records. returned not timely before the 25th of the current month, and there are 86 (17%) medical records that were returned not on time after the 25th of the current month. The impact of the late return of inpatient medical records is the delay in reporting RL 4a and RL.5.3 to the Department of Central Health, the increased workload of reporting officers, and the decreased ability of hospital management to make informed decisions. Aside from that, it has an effect on the time it takes for BPJS insurance documents to be sent in with claims, on the time it takes to give health services to patients, especially for repeat visits, on the amount of work that medical record keepers have to do, and on the amount of money that hospitals make. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that: late reports on hospital activities (RL 4a and RL.5.3) to the Department of Central Health; the increased workload of reporting officers and medical record officers; and delays in providing BPJS insurance documents have had an impact on hospital income.
Keywords: Impact of late return of Medical Records, Hospital Reporting RL4a and RL.5.3, BPJS Claims